Step 5: Advices to preserve your oil:
The oil that you retrieve is directly coming from the press and is not filtered in order to keep all the aromas. However, this pulp will little by little settle at the bottom of your containers.
For the olive oil that goes back to the contributors at the end of the year in common press, it will have had more time in our mills to ‘decant' and to let the pulp at the bottom of our tanks. For the olive oil that comes from personal press, it is given back too quickly to let this natural decantation happen, don't be surprised then to find at the bottom of your cans a sometimes important deposit. This deposit can even become too annoying to make gifts. This is something that must be taken in consideration, and depending of the varieties of olives and the identified soils, it will sometimes be better to take your oil in a can to then put it in a bottle at home one month later. The decantation will continue its work during the rest of the year, but the main part of the pulp will have deposited before the bottling.
This olive pulp is organic material whicih will over time oxidize the product.
Even if you preserve your cans in a cold and dark place, it is recommended before the summer and the heat waves to extract the cans in bottles (in glass) well filled without oxygen in order to eliminate the leftovers of pulp accumulated at the bottom of the containers.
Your oil will then keep the best of its aromas for your greatest pleasure !!
Advices to preserve your oil:
We stay at your disposal to advise you in your choices and to answer to all of your questions.
If despite our sections, our mails, our news and the information on the site of professionals olive producers, you didn't find the answer to your questions, don't hesitate to come and see us at the mill, the staff is at your service and stays mobilized to restitute ‘the best olive oil, yours!' Thank you for your loyalty.